Media Services

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Media Package

The Watchlist Webinar

Australia’s newest investor webinar series for ASX-listed companies to pitch to real investors and be added to their watchlists.

Every prospective investor curates their watchlist and for companies without a public forum it can be hard to get noticed amongst the crowd. This webinar series has been designed to offer a broad mix of industry focus and company size to deliver the maximum opportunity for you to tell your story and hopefully make that leap on to a few more investor watchlists.

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ASX Market Goss

Nowadays company content is short sound bites and re-hashed ASX announcements. This type of content has a place, but it doesn’t always give investors the true story of a company, it’s foundations and strategy. Which is why we have launched ASX Market Goss – a podcast with a difference.

Hosted by experienced broadcaster Tim Gossage, ASX Market Goss is a long form interview (approx. 25 min) which will tell the story of the people who are driving ASX listed small cap companies. It will focus on their experiences and what drives them to succeed. It will give a rare insight for investors into the people behind the company they invest in and provide the comfort they need to make investment decisions.

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