Panther Metals Limited

Panther Metals Limited (ASX:PNT) – Soon after it was conceptualised in 2020, Panther Metals created a highly prospective metals portfolio consisting of nickel, cobalt, and gold in Tier 1 mining districts in Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

The company listed on the ASX in December 2021 following a successful $5 million IPO, hitting the ground running with the immediate start of drilling and an extensive exploration program planned for the next two years.

In Western Australia, Panther holds 100% ownership rights over a group of five granted exploration licenses covering 236km2, and eight applications covering 275km2 of the Tier 1 mining district covering the Laverton Greenstone Belt.

In the Northern Territory, Panther holds 100% ownership rights over the Annaburroo and Marrakai Gold Projects, covering 160km2 over two tenements. The projects are located approximately 100km southeast of Darwin.

Panther’s WA projects are located on underexplored ground in the same region as several major producers, including Gold Fields, AngloGold Ashanti, Regis Resources, Glencore, and Dacian Gold, and near several processing plants, providing Panther with optionality.

Since listing in December 2021, the company has completed six separate drill programs across four projects in the Laverton region.

Prior to listing, Panther had already outlined a 30 to 50 million tonne JORC exploration target (JET) for its flagship Coglia project which the company quickly converted to a much bigger maiden mineral resource (MRE).

The company’s aim is to maximise shareholder value via new nickel-cobalt and gold discoveries and unlocking the potential of existing prospects via targeted drilling.

Daniel Tuffin

Daniel Tuffin: Managing Director 

  • Over two decades of mine production and consulting experience around the world
  • Co-Founder and Chairman of Auralia Mining Consulting
  • Mining team for Barrick’s projects in the WA Gold Fields
  • Successful private mine developer including Kalgoorlie’s Rose Dam Resources
  • Executive Technical Director Cavalier Resources (ASX:CVR) and Non-executive Director Mount Malcolm Mines NL (ASX:M2M)


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